React Native vs. Flutter: A Comparison


When it comes to developing mobile applications, cross-platform frameworks have gained significant popularity due to their ability to build apps for both iOS and Android platforms simultaneously. Two of the most prominent frameworks in this space are React Native and Flutter. In this article, we will compare React Native and Flutter based on various aspects to help you make an informed decision about which framework is better suited for your next mobile app development project.

1. Performance:

Performance is a crucial factor in mobile app development. React Native relies on a JavaScript bridge to communicate with the native components, which can lead to performance bottlenecks. On the other hand, Flutter offers a unique advantage with its "skia" rendering engine, allowing it to deliver exceptional performance by rendering UI directly on the canvas. Flutter's architecture allows for smoother animations and faster response times, giving it an edge in terms of performance.

2. Development Speed:

React Native, being built on top of JavaScript, has the advantage of a vast developer community and an extensive ecosystem. It offers a hot-reloading feature, enabling developers to see changes instantly without rebuilding the entire app. Flutter, on the other hand, employs a reactive programming style and a customizable UI toolkit, which can lead to faster development cycles. Additionally, Flutter's widget-based approach simplifies the UI development process, making it easier to create visually appealing interfaces.

3. UI/UX:

React Native relies on native components to render the UI, which can result in a more native look and feel. However, the customization options can be limited when it comes to complex animations and transitions. In contrast, Flutter's UI is entirely customizable, allowing developers to create unique and visually stunning interfaces. Flutter provides a rich set of pre-designed widgets that can be customized to match the app's branding and design requirements.

4. Community and Ecosystem:

React Native has a larger community and a more mature ecosystem compared to Flutter. This translates to a broader range of libraries, tools, and resources available for developers. The extensive community support also means a higher chance of finding solutions to common problems. While Flutter's ecosystem is growing rapidly, it might still lack the same level of community support and available resources as React Native.

5. Platform Support:

React Native has been around longer and enjoys excellent support for both iOS and Android platforms. It leverages native components specific to each platform, allowing developers to access platform-specific APIs easily. Flutter, on the other hand, provides a consistent experience across platforms by rendering its UI. Although Flutter has made significant strides in platform support, there may be instances where certain platform-specific features or APIs are not readily available.

Why React Native?

1. Web Development Experience:

React Native originated from React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. If you are already familiar with React and have experience in web development using React, transitioning to React Native for web development can be seamless. React Native for web (React Native Web) allows you to leverage your existing web development skills, tools, and libraries to build web applications using React Native's component-based approach.

2. Large Developer Community:

React Native has a large and active developer community due to its popularity and longevity. This community provides a wealth of resources, tutorials, and support for web development using React Native. You can find numerous online communities, forums, and libraries specifically tailored for React Native web development, making it easier to find help and solutions to any challenges you may encounter.

3. Reusability of Code:

React Native emphasizes code reusability, and this concept extends to React Native Web as well. With React Native, you can write components once and reuse them across different platforms, including the web. This code-sharing capability can significantly reduce development time and effort when building web applications using React Native, as you can leverage existing components and logic from your mobile app development.

4. Extensive Component Library:

React Native has a vast ecosystem of third-party component libraries available, many of which can be used for web development with React Native Web. These libraries provide pre-built UI components, styling options, and utilities that can accelerate your web development process. Additionally, React Native's component-based architecture allows for easy customization and integration of these libraries into your web application.

5. Responsive Design:

React Native Web inherently supports responsive design principles, allowing you to create web applications that adapt to different screen sizes and orientations. React Native's layout system, Flexbox, provides a flexible and efficient way to create responsive user interfaces, ensuring a consistent experience across various devices and screen resolutions.

Why Flutter?

1. Single Codebase, Multiple Platforms:

Flutter allows you to build web applications using a single codebase that can also be used for developing mobile apps for iOS and Android. This code-sharing capability significantly reduces development time and effort, as you don't need to write separate code for each platform. With Flutter, you can create consistent user experiences across different devices and platforms.

2. Performance and Fast Development Cycles:

Flutter's "skia" rendering engine and Dart programming language enable it to deliver excellent performance for web applications. The UI rendering is done directly on the canvas, resulting in smoother animations and faster response times. Flutter also provides a hot-reloading feature that allows developers to see changes instantly without restarting the application, enabling fast development cycles and enhancing productivity.

3. Customizable and Beautiful UI:

Flutter offers a highly customizable UI toolkit, allowing developers to create visually stunning and unique user interfaces. Flutter's widget-based approach enables developers to build their UI components from scratch or use pre-designed widgets that can be easily customized to match their branding and design requirements. This flexibility empowers developers to create engaging and pixel-perfect UIs for web applications.

4. Growing Community and Ecosystem:

Flutter has gained significant traction in recent years and has a growing community of developers. This expanding community means more resources, tutorials, and support for web development with Flutter. The ecosystem is also evolving rapidly, with a variety of third-party libraries and packages available to extend Flutter's capabilities and streamline web development workflows.

5. Hot Reload and Rapid Iteration:

Flutter's hot reload feature allows for real-time code changes to be instantly reflected in the web application, making it easier to iterate, experiment, and debug. This fast feedback loop enhances developer productivity and speeds up the development process, especially during the prototyping and testing phases of a project.


Both React Native and Flutter are powerful frameworks for cross-platform mobile app development. React Native excels in terms of community support and platform maturity, making it a popular choice for many developers. On the other hand, Flutter offers superior performance, a customizable UI, and faster development cycles. Ultimately, the choice between React Native and Flutter depends on your specific project requirements, the desired level of customization, and the trade-offs you are willing to make in terms of performance and ecosystem support. Consider evaluating your project needs and conducting a small prototype to determine which framework aligns best with your development goals.

With over 15 years of experience in mobile application development, we have honed our expertise in both native Swift for iOS and Android development. Additionally, we have extensive knowledge and experience in utilizing cross-platform technologies like React Native. Our team has successfully assisted numerous clients in delivering high-quality mobile applications that meet their unique requirements. Whether you're looking for a native solution or prefer the flexibility of cross-platform development, we have the skills and experience to bring your mobile app vision to life. Contact us today and let us help you deliver exceptional mobile applications to your customers.

If you want to delve deeper into the topic and gain more insights, I encourage you to book a meeting with our team of experts.